Wednesday, October 3, 2007

There is a tukey at my window

Today is the first day for ages I've been able to get near the computer...more on that later.
This dumb turkey decided to have a fight with its self (reflection) in the window...but I suppose it is like its mates that Pat, Ara and I saw down the road. Two groups of turkeys fighting with a barb wire fence in between. Not all that smart are our birds.
Where have we been.
To start with Ara had her eye teeth come through which involved lots of crying and sleeping for hours in the day and early bed times but needing Mummy and Daddy lots.
Then just as that started to wind down we caught Granny and Grandpa's flu (which I still have a bit of it hanging on) an this knocked us for a six. I was all booked in to do my first aid course and I could hardly hear a thing let alone keep awake or stop coughing.
AND then the biggest of them all
The tummy bug!
Dave and I have both said it was the worst bug we've ever had.
Ara started with it ...I was having trouble sleeping and both Dave and Ara were out to it. So I thought I would move Ara into the middle and do a bit of reading.
As I carefully picked Ara up so as not to wake her...her head drop sideways and she threw up...and it's been going ever since.
With Mum's help of doing HEAPS of washing I might finally be on top of it all. Ara still can not walk in a straight line and gets tired very quickly but same with Dave and myself. We just been moving from bed to floor to chair and back to bed again. Dave jokes that we must of all lost a bit of weight. Ara was 9.5kg at the Doc's little skinny rabbit.
I'm sure I've washed every single nappy we own about a million times in the last three days along with towels and blankets. At least two t three changes of clothes a day not to mention pj's as well.
Another early night tonight might get us on the go for tomorrow.
Dave is behind me now talking about food...cheese cake, macaroni cheese, all sounds good but we don't think it would stay down.
But wait...the Bartlett's and food will not be parted...we love it too tune in next time to see what we celebrate with.
Love to all

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