Saturday, April 11, 2009

Some catch up

Its pretty hard to get near the computer now days with Ara learning so fast so I thought I better just put on some random photos.
For a while there we had to have a golf ball to hold onto while going to sleep??? eh?
Helping Dadda work up some new garden beds. Ara's hard at work but Griffin is slacking off a bit.
Ara loves cucumber so we managed to grow a little one in a pot this year for her. I think we've got a little bit more to learn yet.

Liam & Renee's Wedding

We've been excitedly waiting to go to this lovely wedding for a while. A big family get together bringing two families together...and making it BIGGER ;-)
Great to see everyone (my lovely cousins ;-) growing up) and catching up on what is happening.

Well done guys on a wonderful afternoon evening and well done on making the big step love you both.

Ara's Birthday

Ara's birthday is on the 7th of April...a Tuesday so we had a bit of an on going birthday over a week.


Janette came up to lend a hand while Mum and Dad were a way and to have a BIG catch up. We mixed up some rice bubble chocolate crackles for a Playcentre morning tea with balloons.


As group of friends with children we all trooped off to an animal farm park (sorry no photos but we are trying). We held rabbits, fed goats, sheep heaps of ducks and chickens, viewed donkeys and highland cattle.


We had a birthday party with Grandparents + Great Aunt and Uncle as well as Dadda who managed to get home from work as well.
We had a lovely BBQ (a bit too cold to eat outside). Ara was totally 'happy' with all the sugar and staying up late but it was a lovely time.