Tuesday, May 20, 2008

New words for today

I've been trying to get Ara dressed in the morning which is as many would say is hard but with the blind up Ara can see outside...
"Jojo..yum yum..rassss" = Jojo is eating grass. We have Jan and Pete's horses in the paddock across the way.
We seem to be having a few words a day in some cases depending on what is happening....from Griffin brining in an "eel" to a new "dress" and its "wet" and "tissue".
I'm not getting any other colour unless its blue...well everything is blue at the moment.

Ara is still a great help around the house putting things 'back' where she thinks they go but even filling up the bathroom with clean towels and tolet rolls (all in their right places of course). How long this will last I don't know so I'll keep on enjoying it for the moment.

Ma and Pa are off to the other side of the world again today...so I will be trying to keep up with some posts.

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