Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Duplo more fun for the parents or the kids?

Many thanks to Warren, Aleisha and Islay for starting us off with a great kit...yes it had a little grey cat in it.

Then Great Aunty Sue brought the farm yard animals calling each animal by its name…Baa Baa - Almost singing Baa Baa Black Sheep…Cough Cough - Cow (Ara thinks that Cows cough...well she's right as she was right next to one when it did so)…Prrripp - Cat...we don't have any pigs around but she ocationaly gets it right.

Then Great Nana and Great Papa brought the train wheels and the blocks to make a house with.

Ara is really enjoy’n making ‘cities’ houses and places for Griffin to sleep. She moved on really fast working out how things go...and its great for teaching her about frustration.

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