Thursday, July 19, 2007

* Well they are home

Ma and Pa are home. They arrived on the 18th and we managed to catch up with them on that night for Dinner. We were all a little tired. Ara spent a lovely time going through the suitcase pulling out her new things. I lovely green "helmet" (what babies wear in Thailand on the back of a scooter) but we'll be wearing when we head down south or on cold days round home. She also just loves the bright orange clogs and had to wear them this morning...As the photo shows she's still in her pjs with hat and clogs.

You can see Dave's nice big pile of wood that he's been cutting his way through from the blow downs in the storm. We've got heaps more to go as well. We've been offered one in the local park as well...a nice blue gum.

I'm such a proud Mama today my baby walked all the way down the shops and back by her self...maybe I should say she ran! She was most put out that we didn't get to go in the 4 square to get any thing but Chrissy let her put a pack of raisins in the basket just to keep her happy.

First time in ages I've had to sing a lullaby to get Ara off to sleep but she was asleep so fast it made me laugh. Think she's just so excited with all the walking outside its just been a great day so far.

A really lovely sun rise.

I guess we'll see more or Mum and Dad this weekend and hope to see some photo far I've seen a snake...make my skin crawl.

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