Saturday, July 7, 2007

The first feijoa

Sorry the photo is so bad but its just so funny. Ara is trying to feed it to Griffin in the photo. It was about the size of Dave's thumb nail...and it was squished by these two in their mad rampages around the living room.

There have been quite a few red mornings now and it looks like we're going to have a few more wet days.
Dave has been painting not the one he started before Ara was born a MUCH smaller one.
Me I've been baking...yes Mum I have to agree its not in the genes and I think I'll leave my little teddy bear cookies to the birds....once Dave and Ara have had a few to make me feel better.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow your first fruit, I guess nobody actually ate it!
We have been having all sorts of strange fruits here in Vietnam. There is something that looks like Taro with poppy seeds and a red skin - not bad taste.

Had a great dinner last night. $12 a whole baked fish looked a bit like snapper and tasted like it as well. and Prawns in a sesame seed batter.

We went to an aquarium this morning and saw a venemous fish of some sort. The sign in english said that "they could make someone unconspicuous or even dead" Some wired and wonderful englishg spelling and grammar round the place, but at least they can speak some english - We can't speak anything but!

Love Mum