Monday, February 9, 2009

What a weekend

Well Dave flew home...and had no "jet lag" that can be seen....WOW!
We managed to go to the markets and have a semi normal Saturday doing the cafe catch up with the Boyes and the Shrimptons (up for a break).
I got to spy a look at the lovely Aleisha with baby Esmee. Kind of set my heart up in my mouth that it will be us soon...time is just going so fast and Ma keeps telling me "you just don't know how long it takes to get ready for a baby" ;-)

Its just so hot! The last few days I've just been melting with the heat.

We then had a lovely Sunday with Tony, Bec's and Kane for lunch...GREAT to see you guys and thanks so much for coming down.
Then we also managed to wrangle a visit out of Jack, Anita and Lua....Lua tried out Next Bubba's bed. I think it was a thumbs up on that.

Mum's been up this morning helping me with the garden. Just done a large pick of the tomatoes...and now are cooking them up. I've just about filled up our deep freeze and Mum's taking some down to Nana's to fill now. So tomato tomato.
Well back too it

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