Sunday, March 2, 2008

Janette and Kitty return to four winds

Jan has been saying for a little while that she was going to come on up. We've not seen her for AGES! So its been great to have her nearly for a week.

I then got a call from Kitty asking what I was up to and would I be avalible for a visit

??? What???

Yes the lovely little sneek was in NZ for a quick dash...well not as quick as Rich but pretty quick. Still we managed to drag her out to the coast to pick up some seaweed on a beautiful day had a very quick picnic of fruit. But really the time was so time.

Poor Jan was also made to jump straight back in the car as soon as she arrived to head down to Mainly Music and watch heaps of screaming kids boggie on down pretending to be cocodiles or hard out drumbers....or maybe just chewing on a few things that they shouldn't be.

We also made Jan carry around the pumpkin (see the next post) from the market and we also did this in the rain. Then quickly into the car and off down to Grandpas 83rd birthday bash down at Ma and Pa's place.

I felt like I'd been running for a couple of days and poor Ara has been so tired out...that we've been having some great sleeps.

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