Monday, August 10, 2009

August 2009

Having some tummy time with Dadda. Mum's often to rushed to put me down, but Dad and I get down on the floor...I can't wait to play games with my big sister I follow her every move.
Ara was very excited to open gift from the other side of the world. These lovely Aunts and Uncle just seem to know what a growing girl needs. Hamish jumped right into the bib's (mega drul going on here and in winter its hard for poor Mum to keep me warm and dry).
Hamish is trying to put his ideas in to which pair of jam jams should be warn to bed. Both are playing on the material I was trying and now have made into another sling...thanks to a major explosion which I could not contain Hamish needed a new sleeping spot...took him about 10mins before he settled into the new shape but is now happy to have either.
Having a rest. After a day of rush round after Ara at playcentre I just need to stop for a few minutes (I've been looking for a rocking chair on trade me...they just seem so good and Ara still likes to have hugs and story time..... on the other knee)
Just kicking back in my 'jail jams'
Was laughing with Dave saying that Hamish looks like 'mini me'
Ara is the first one to get to Hamish if he needs someone to talk too and I can see once he's a little bigger she'll be trying to pick him up....the first thing Hamish thinks about in the morning is Ara (well after milk) and will often struggle to see her (at 6am....huff) and will try to crawl over me to get to her...oh dear what's it going to be like when he can crawl.
Ara is colouring in this great colouring in book and colour with water...once you've done it let it dry and do it again....LOVE IT!

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