Thursday, June 19, 2008

Museum Trip for Toddlers

The Playcentre trip to the Museum...
Who every thought that taking some Toddlers to the local museum would go down well. I'd have to say that Waipu Museum did it to a T.
While the younger ones like Ara needed to be held a few time (...some bits were a bit scary as the exibits are really well done...and it probaly smells a bit different as well...) they really did enjoy themselves.
The highlight for Ara was getting to sit up on the "ship bunk" and listen to the "sailor" talk in his scary voice (a few parents reconded there would be a few nightmares tonight).
The other main attaction for some of the children including Ara was the bag pipes playing on the small interactive TV that they have was played again and again. And now Ara can say "Bag Pipes" in her own language (you have to be a Mother to understand) talk about living the local way.
Our trip was cut short by Ara and another little lad crashing down to the floor and Ara hitting her head and bumping her eye on the lads head (she was trying to hug him). So now we've got a little black eye but other wise fine...we left and headed home to Dada.

I would totaly recomend a Trip to the Museum for it is very well done for a small town with a big history....and thank you very much Waipu Museum for taking us through.

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