Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Bubba Noooo

Nana was up the other day and we went for a walk. Ara just loves picking the berries and once we had finished at one tree she was off round the courner and up ontop of the retaining wall and down to the strawberries. I had to run to keep up.

I looked over the berries but could see none that were really ready. One was very close and Ara kept wanting to pick it. I told her that it was not ready yet and it needed to be red.
She knows what I mean as Dave has taught her but still she wanted to pick it.
Then finally she began to speak.
"Bubba Nooo" and she would bend down to pick the berry.
I thought she was saying that she should not touch it and I was saying yes that's right we leave it till its ripe.
Then again she would try and pick it saying Bubba nooo.

Then finally the penny dropped...thick Mumma.
Bubba is the name she has given the little turkey...AND Bubba and Mumma turkey eat the berries.
So long and short of it. Ara wanted to eat the berries so Bubba wouldn't get them even if they were not ripe yet.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That story is just the cutest! Hope Ara gets the berries and not Bubba :)