Thursday, March 27, 2008

Little coz meeting little coz

Debbie, Andrew and Thomas are here.
We are all getting ready for the big weekend!
I'm really excited so I have no idea what Ely and Gotham are like.
I can't wait to see what we're all going to look like and I just can't wait to see Ara and Thomas together.
Photos photos!!!!

I popped down the other day so the kids could play and I could have a little catch up. We'll also be down on Sunday too so Dave can see everyone.
Grandpa Selwyn was moving the cows so Tom and Ara could see...I think they just wanted to get in the padock with them.

Looie the weta's little brother

Its all about living in the middle. Not in the bush and not in town we get an intresting mix of things here.

Ara is becoming quite good at picking out the different things and has the sign for spider now...but this one she was just not too sure about.

This little weta is quite a small one...he was just trying to catch up to the other two I've found by drinking some of Dave's strong coffee. I found another REALLY big one in the leg of Dave's jeans (not while he was in them I was getting the washing ready).

What have we been doing all this time?

I've had an odd kind of cold cough thing which has been more of a pain rather than knocking me out like I normally am.
Both Dave and Ara have been trying to kick me out of bed so they can get some sleep...even Griffin has left.
But nearly right now.

We've been working really hard in the garden!!! AND totally enjoying ourselves. Ara is running in between both of us and having a whale of a time.
Griffin has been a wonderful little mate for Ara too climbing trees on cue and hiding under the silver beet plants.
We are just starting to get geared up to get a digger in to get a few areas cleaned up. Puka flats will be come even more flat...and we'll be extending the veggie garden to about twice the size with a new patch down the hill just below the orchard.
We'll also be doing away with the back lawn and putting in a path down beside the house with a rock edge. Dave is really good with the rocks!!! Grandpas got all keen too so I think we'll start to see some amazing things happen here soon...well we've already got heaps of amazing things...but even more on the go.
So even though I'm a bit slow...I think there will be even more to watch in this space.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Swimming pool for Ara

A big thank you to Roy, Dean, Katie and Bump for this wonderful gift.

The boys had a lot of fun blowing this up...and as you can see they really didn't want to wait.

It was also the same with filling it too. As out in the country we only have our little house water pump and small garden hose which does not reach the courtyard anyway as we have gravety feed in there.

So nothing like a big 50mm hose cyphening from our main tank...once that gets!

And hey presto a pool for Ara's birthday.

Wow this post was a mission Blogger has not been my friend today ;-)

Saturday, March 8, 2008

A party on a Friday night

Wow just like old times....but with a few more kids....I think about 8 (sorry if I've missed anyone)
We had a lovely time up at the Boyes kitchen warming....GREAT pizza and WONDERFUL kids meals (sorry that Ara did not eat much).
Really nice looking kitchen too.
Its amazing how much you can pack into a really short time and then try and get the kids to sleep later.
It was so nice to see everyone and all the children growing up SOOOOOO fast.
We managed to sit down for some of the time and enjoy the views of friends...Warren & Aleisha have worked so hard to get a wonderful night for everyone I hope you managed to enjoy your selves too guys.

We've also seen the tree...the big tree which keeps dropping branches...not very cool. I must get a photo for everyone to see.

What is on today

We've had Roy here for the weekend and now we are getting ready to head off ... after nap time to listen to some music. Ara just LOVES the pipes.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

The King of Pumpkins

As in the previous post I talked about buying this HUGE Pumpkin at the markets.

So we thought we'd make pumpkin soup.

We hollowed it out (or should I say Dave and Jan did) cooking a bit at a time.
We made sure that Nana was up here too so we could all share in the KING of PUMPKINS

Janette and Kitty return to four winds

Jan has been saying for a little while that she was going to come on up. We've not seen her for AGES! So its been great to have her nearly for a week.

I then got a call from Kitty asking what I was up to and would I be avalible for a visit

??? What???

Yes the lovely little sneek was in NZ for a quick dash...well not as quick as Rich but pretty quick. Still we managed to drag her out to the coast to pick up some seaweed on a beautiful day had a very quick picnic of fruit. But really the time was so time.

Poor Jan was also made to jump straight back in the car as soon as she arrived to head down to Mainly Music and watch heaps of screaming kids boggie on down pretending to be cocodiles or hard out drumbers....or maybe just chewing on a few things that they shouldn't be.

We also made Jan carry around the pumpkin (see the next post) from the market and we also did this in the rain. Then quickly into the car and off down to Grandpas 83rd birthday bash down at Ma and Pa's place.

I felt like I'd been running for a couple of days and poor Ara has been so tired out...that we've been having some great sleeps.